Frozen Banana Snacks – A Refreshing and Healthy Treat

frozen banana snacks

While frozen banana snacks are almost always coated in chocolate, they don’t have to be. However, if you like frozen bananas covered in chocolate, please don’t let us stop you! For this refreshing treat, we’re keeping it simple. Take a ripe to very ripe banana and slice it in to bite-sized slices. For Home Hacks bonus points, check out our hack on how to cut bananas without a cutting board and you won’t even dirty a cutting board in the process. Be sure to slice the banana and not just freeze it with the peal on (trying to extract the frozen banana from the frozen peal is a real challenge). Take your slices and put them into a ziploc bag. Gently remove whatever air you can from the bag as you seal it up to avoid condensation and ice crystals. The next time you’re looking for a tasty treat on a hot day, reach for your frozen banana snacks (and a chocolate bar if needed).

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Add Hooks Almost Anywhere with Sugru

sugru hooks

Use state of the art Sugru to make custom hooks you can apply just about anywhere. Step-by-step details available through the via link above.

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Tape Measure Extra Hand

tape measure extra hand

Sometimes that board is just out of reach and you’re in a prone position that makes it difficult to rise and walk (or you just don’t want to waste energy walking over to it). Just flip your tape measure out and pull or push materials up to eight feet or more away.

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Turn Your Regular Hammer into a Dead Blow Hammer

dead blow hammer

Don’t leave your next wood project looking like a woodpecker attacked it. Use the soft end of your hammer handle to adjust stubborn pieces of material into place without leaving indents into soft woods. Improvised dead blow hammer!

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Why a Pizza Cutter Might Turn Into Your Favorite Herb Slicer

Unless you have Chef Gordon Ramsay’s lightning fast, samurai-like blade skills, chopping up herbs like parsley or cilantro can be a drag. We heard a pizza cutter can make quick work of herb slicing, so we gave it a shot. Yup, it actually works! Just lay those herbs (the legal kind, right?) on your cutting board and roll your pizza cutter back and forth with a little a pressure. Voilà! Fast, finely chopped herbs, no chef knife or special skills required!

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Ketchup as a Metal Polish

Copper or brass looks great, but it also gets tarnished and ratty looking pretty quickly. Turns out that a little ordinary ketchup and some elbow grease can have your copper and brass goods looking like sparkling pirate booty.

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