Quickly Fill in Scratches on Wood with a Crayon or Candle

fill in scratches on wood

Are there deep scratches in your wood that no amount of buffing or wax spray will cover? Don’t despair! All you need is an unscented candle or a box of crayons to effectively fill in scratches on wood. Start by roughly rubbing or sanding the wood to remove any pieces that may be jutting out or uneven. Then, use the crayon or candle that most closely matches the wood’s color and simply rub it back and forth against the wood (no melting required) until you completely fill in the scratches on the wood. After that, wipe the surface and lightly buff it with a clean cloth to remove any excess wax.

Rating: 0 (from 2 votes)

How to Retrofit an Antique Stove

This is a great hack submitted by Margee Moore over at moxiemom.com. Follow the link below to learn how she retrofitted her 1920’s American made stove. In her post, “How to Retrofit an Antique Stove” Moxie explains how she feared she’d have to get rid of this beautiful piece because it was a safety hazard. That is until she did some investigating and found the answer she was looking for. Thanks Margee for submitting this great hack!

How to Retrofit an Antique Stove

Rating: 4 (from 6 votes)

Make Scratches in Wood Disappear

It may sound a little nutty, but the oil in walnuts will hide scratches in wood furniture and in hardwood floors. Just grab any shelled walnut you have around the house to snack on or to bake with, and instead, gently rub it on the scratched area of wood. The oil blends with the color of the finished wood, and scratches in wood disappear like magic.

Rating: 10 (from 14 votes)

How to Repair Dishwasher Racks

how to repair dishwasher racks

Using Sugru makes it easy to repair the rusty wire on your dishwasher rack. Step-by-step details available through the via link above.

Rating: 2 (from 2 votes)

Candle or Soap Zipper Lube

Rub a candle or soap on a stuck zipper to restore operation.

Rating: 3 (from 3 votes)

Remove Water Stains on Hardwood Floors

Lay down a towel on the floor and run a hot iron over it. Using steam can improve the effectiveness, but be careful not to damage the wood further with too much steam.

Rating: 8 (from 20 votes)