Hold Nail with Clothes Pin, Hair Pin or Comb to Prevent Smashing Fingers

Hold Nail with Clothes Pin, Hair Pin or Comb to Prevent Smashing Fingers

If I had a nickle for every time I missed the nail whilst hammering, I’d be rich! Keep your precious fingers out of the line of fire by using an aid to hold nails in place. Personally, I prefer the clothes pin holder, however a bobby pin or comb works just as well! All you need to do is hold nail with clothes pin, hair pin or comb to prevent smashing fingers then pound nail into place with hammer.

Rating: 16 (from 16 votes)

Paper Towel Tube Wrapping Paper Holder

Cut paper towel tubes lengthwise to keep wrapping paper from unwrapping

Rating: 15 (from 17 votes)

Power Tool Bath and Tile Scrubbing

Chuck a brush that won’t scratch your tile or tub into a cordless drill and get ready for some power scrubbing. Consider wearing safety glasses as the brush can spray cleaning solution.

Rating: 15 (from 15 votes)

Consolidate Club Cards into a Single Card

Rating: 14 (from 16 votes)

Wax Paper for Spotless Faucets

Rub clean faucets with wax paper to reduce water spots.

Rating: 14 (from 14 votes)

A Homemade Safety Gate

Corralling pets takes creativity sometimes. This homemade safety gate creates enough of an obstacle that you can usually keep your little critters from the hazards of stairways and other forbidden areas in your home. Create a frame with 1″ PVC pipe and four corner joints. Cut two PVC pipes to the width you desire and two pieces to the height you’d like. Join them together, and sew a gate sized pocket to slide the frame into. Stitch up the forth side of the pocket (or sew in velcro or buttons), and you’ve got a safety gate to keep those four-legged friends from running amuck and getting hurt.

Rating: 14 (from 14 votes)