Catch Drywall Dust When Drilling Overhead

Trying to drill a hole in a ceiling can be a messy business! Next time, grab a small diameter disposable cocktail paper plate and drill right through it. The plate will then catch most of the dust and debris as it drops from the ceiling. Make sure to use a small diameter or clear plate, otherwise you’ll find it very hard to align your bit.

Rating: 11 (from 11 votes)

DIY Goo Gone

Just use baking soda, coconut oil and sweet orange essential oil

DIY Goo Gone really works! It’s great for removing adhesives, such as glue and stickers, from the surface of glass jars. It also works as a great exfoliant! All you need is equal parts baking soda and coconut oil, and a couple drops of sweet orange oil. Remove as much of the sticker as you can before hand, then rub in the diy goo gone with a cloth or your fingers. The baking soda acts as an abrasive whilst the oil softens and unseals the adhesives hold on the surfaces. Once you remove the adhesive completely, just wash with soapy water and voila, you’re done! If you have any left over, use as exfoliant or store away in tightly sealed container for next time.

Rating: 11 (from 11 votes)

Add Conditioner to the Rinse Cycle to Soften Wool Garments

Soften Wool by Adding Conditioner to the Rinse Cycle

Take the scratch out of your wool sweaters! Add conditioner to the rinse cycle to soften wool garments -it really works! Simply add approximately two ounces of conditioner (we used a complimentary hotel conditioner bottle) during your washers rinse cycle. Always wash your wools in cold water. The hardest part of this hack is paying attention so as not to miss the rinse cycle!

Rating: 11 (from 11 votes)

Gloved Ladder Prevents Wall Scuffs

Clean leather or rubber work gloves at the end of an extension ladder can help prevent scuffs and paint or wall damage.

Rating: 10 (from 10 votes)

De Seed a Pomegranate In Minutes

Rating: 10 (from 14 votes)

Automatic Sliding Screen Door

A simple water bottle filled with water or sand, a pulley, a string and a strong clip or attachment are all you need to turn your sliding screen door into one that always closes itself.

Rating: 10 (from 12 votes)