Hand Painted Garden Markers

garden markers

With all of the clever ideas out there for keeping track of what’s growing in your garden rows and planters, it’s hard to choose which method’s best. We think these garden markers are a hands down winner though. Paint a stone like a strawberry for your strawberry bed. Paint a jack o’ lantern to mark where you’ve planted those pumpkin seeds. It’s as affordable as a rock with a little bit of paint. And it’s got character that’s sure to make you smile. Kids will love it!

Rating: 9 (from 13 votes)

A Mother’s Day Gift

mother's day gift

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we thought you’d love this simple homemade memento. Gather her kids around, and make a handprint of each child with acrylic paint. The handprints will capture a fleeting moment and become a treasure that Mom will cherish this Mother’s Day and every day after.

Rating: 7 (from 11 votes)

Shred Chicken with a Mixer

shred chicken in mixer

Get dinner on the table in a flash with this time saver. Rather than use your fingers or forks to shred chicken breasts for soups, salads, or other chicken recipes, throw the chicken into your mixer. You’ll have your hands freed up for other tasks, and your chicken will be shredded to perfection.

Rating: 6 (from 12 votes)

A Homemade Safety Gate

Corralling pets takes creativity sometimes. This homemade safety gate creates enough of an obstacle that you can usually keep your little critters from the hazards of stairways and other forbidden areas in your home. Create a frame with 1″ PVC pipe and four corner joints. Cut two PVC pipes to the width you desire and two pieces to the height you’d like. Join them together, and sew a gate sized pocket to slide the frame into. Stitch up the forth side of the pocket (or sew in velcro or buttons), and you’ve got a safety gate to keep those four-legged friends from running amuck and getting hurt.

Rating: 14 (from 14 votes)

Make Scratches in Wood Disappear

It may sound a little nutty, but the oil in walnuts will hide scratches in wood furniture and in hardwood floors. Just grab any shelled walnut you have around the house to snack on or to bake with, and instead, gently rub it on the scratched area of wood. The oil blends with the color of the finished wood, and scratches in wood disappear like magic.

Rating: 10 (from 14 votes)

Light a Fire Anywhere

As we’ve started planning some of our outdoor adventures for the year, we’re gearing up our gear, too. For our outdoor fire place and for camping, we load up a mason jar with wooden matches. We close the jar with an air tight lid. We attach a piece of fine sand paper to the top of the lid so we can strike our matches right on the lid and light a fire anywhere. Remember that all matches are not created equally, so make sure to use “strike anywhere” matches for this hack!

Rating: 7 (from 11 votes)