Clean A Scorched Pan with Baking Soda and Vinegar

clean pan with baking soda vinegar

Before using elbow grease to clean the bottom of a scorched pan first try using a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. Fill the bottom of the pan with water and add one cup of white vinegar. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from the heat. Add two tablespoons of baking soda and watch as the vinegar and baking soda react. Once the fizzing has stopped pour out the mixture and scrub away.

Rating: 4 (from 6 votes)

Keep Paint Brushes and Rollers Fresh

Painting rarely happens as quickly as we like. To keep your brush, roller and even paint tray fresh, enclose them in an airtight bag and place in your fridge. Whether you’re taking a lunch break or going to sleep after a long day, they’ll be ready to go when you’re back.

Rating: 3 (from 11 votes)

Improvised Shot Glass Using Citrus

Use a half lime or lemon with the fruit removed if you can’t find a shot glass.

Rating: 3 (from 5 votes)

Crown Molding Jig

Crown molding projects can be a finicky pain, especially if you’re not used to working with it. Our friend Rob over at A Concord Carpenter has a great hack for taking some of the pain and slop out of typical crown cutting: a crown molding jig. Visit the link for details on how to make the jig and get perfect crown cuts every time.

Rating: 3 (from 3 votes)

DIY Birch Vase

diy birch vase

This is a simple woodworking project that just about anyone at all handy can do. Cut a fairly straight piece of birch to your desired length/height for the vase. Then use a forstner, spade or tri-flute style bit to bore out the center of the wood, leaving at least 1.5 inches at the bottom, particularly if you’re not using a forstner bit. Great for your own home decor or as an inexpensive, beautiful custom gift.

Rating: 3 (from 5 votes)

Make Heat Resistant Pot Handles

heat resistant pot handles

Use innovative Sugru to make heat resistant pot handles. Step-by-step details available through the via link above.

Rating: 3 (from 3 votes)